Pura Vida Lucky Girl | Travel Tuesdays

The first time I left the country I was 22. I finished college and did the standard, whirlwind, European backpacking trip with my best friend. We went to 10 countries in 30 days. It was bananas. While in Paris we met a bunch of other travelers, bought some cheap wine and cheese and had a totally idyllic if not cliché picnic one evening under the illuminated Eiffel Tower. While sitting there, sharing some laughs with our new friends, I had a moment. Suddenly everything became really quiet all around me, really still, and all I could hear was my own breath. I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by how wonderful my life was turning out. It was amazing. It was exciting. It was everything I had dreamt it would be.

I shared what had happened with my friend and we started calling them our “Lucky Girl” moments. They would happen periodically throughout the trip when we saw or did something so incredible that we couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming appreciation for our lives and terribly, terribly blessed. These moments have followed me over the years and throughout my travels.

I have been backpacking through Costa Rica and Nicaragua the last few weeks and during this trip I have come to the realization that surfing gives me that “Lucky Girl” feeling more than anything else I have encountered in this world. Sensing the energy of the swells, watching pelicans coast the thermal currents with the tips of their wings caressing the liquid metal water and catching a wave just as it crests, gliding my fingers along it’s green face, leaves me blissfully happy.

“Pura Vida”- pure life

Costa Ricans use this term in excess and its meaning goes far beyond the pure life. It’s an attitude, it’s a lifestyle, it’s become their national motto. It is about living everyday to its fullest and not sweating the small stuff. An idea that definitely hits home for me and an attitude I try to embrace even when I’m not wandering the earth. A couple of summers ago I tattooed a tiny star on my wrist as a way to remind myself of those unique moments. When times get tough and my current reality seems too big I try to rememeber that there is so much to be thankful for in this small life and I am indeed one very lucky girl. Pura vida.

Surfer at sunset at Playa Dominical in Costa Rica.

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